Thursday 7 February 2008

Second Life Diary

Day 1

On my first day on Second Life I watned to get familiar with the controls and interactions I have with ym avatar. This is the main window with a lot of tools and functions that enables the user to be fully interactive with your avatar.

Here is my avatar that I have designed so far.

Once I created my avatar I decided to explore more of the second life world, so I clicked the search tool and decided to go to freebie Island where it says I could buy clothes, accessories for free!!

I teleported to this location and it seemed like a popular place for users as it was very packed. There were a number of displays which were actually interactive and if I clicked on it, a window appears enabling me to browse the items I could purchase for free!

Then I met my friend Damien who is also doing Multimedia in Trent and we decided to sit down next to each other and have a pleasant chat. It was really easy to find him because when he logged into second life, a message appeared telling me that he’s online, so I sent him a message, telling him where I was and we explored the rest of second life together.

Day 2
Me and Damien (his avatar name Decker Doobie) decided to go to the club “oxygen” to meet some new people and to socialise. But unfortunately it was a bit too early for people to start clubbing.

Mission Viejo

I decided to go to a museum to check out some art, so I teleported to Mission Viejo which appeared to be a sex museum as there were a lot of erotic content. Some of the displays are interactive for the user, such as this one below, you can click the arrows to change the display.

Day 3 – I teleported to an island called HippiePay which is one of popular places listed on second life. I asked around what this place actually offers. Apparently if I go on to these machines and click on it, a web page appears opening up a survey which I can complete for some Free Lindens (second life money).

I didn’t take part in the survey and on this island there’s not much to do, so I decided to leave and go to another popular place called Freebie Beach.
When I arrived at my location, I first saw this large billboard with a lot of options that I could do on this island. (Shown below)

I first clicked on beach and it automatically took me to the beach where I decided to sunbathe for a bit

I found this pretty boring as all I was doing was sitting down admiring the water. So I decided to be adventurous and buy some weapons which I found pretty cool. There were a lot of weapons on offer such as guns, swords, futuristic weapons etc but I decided to go for a Melee type of weapon, the sword. This feature of Second Life reminded me of this online game I was playing called “Might and Magic” where I can go to shops and purchase weapons to aid me on my adventures. I thoroughly enjoyed picking out different types of weapons and making my avatar wear them.

During my journey around Second Life I found out theres not much you can do without Linden Dollars. All the exciting things such as buying land, furniture, swimming pools etc all need you to have money. So at the moment now, I have no idea where to go.

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