Wednesday 18 November 2009

Fifth environment - Nightclub (party promoted by itunes)

The last scene of my advert. This will end my advert with a little caption "don't ruin your life before starting it, say no to digital piracy."
I initially was not going to use any captions but I feel it is a nice ending message for the audience to remember that illegal downloading is wrong.

Fourth environment - Cafe using itunes (correct way of downloading music)

This scene I wanted to show the contrast of this to the first scene. As you can see the whole cafe is illuminated in blue to suggest the legal way of getting music through itunes. The camera will then zoom into the laptop to reveal the itunes logo to make it clear to the audience that this is the correct and legal way of downloading.

Third envrionment - Bedroom with fine and bars

This image I have fiddled around with the gamma and the contrast. I think it has a cool effect on my environment.

This image is just using the mental ray renderer which give it a more realistic feel. Not too sure which one I will use for my final advert.

This scene as you can see is a poorer version of the first environment suggesting the person received a huge fine. Prison bars will also shoot down to show that you could also get prision time.

Second environment - Courtroom

This scene will pop up and the hammer will slam down to show the audience that it could be them facing a charge.

First Envrionment - bedroom with illegal downloading

This scene will start off my advert. The red illuminating the room suggests that there is some illegal activity occuring. Camera will zoom towards the laptop to see the "pirate ship with downloading bar" represting digital piracy.

Year 3 - Digital Piracy Advert

This year I have to create a 20 second advert on digital advert to bring the message across to people that illegal downloads is against the law and there will be consequences if caught.

1) I have to create 5 environments all linked together
2) No captions, has to be understood by all people so I only have to use visual imagery