Monday 19 November 2007

One-shot film

Deborah Tuck has set us a project to do in a group to create a film using all the methods that we have learnt to shoot a really good film, keeping in mind to concentrate more on the framing rather than the story. I was set in a group and we all took each other’s phone numbers down so we can keep in contact with one another to make dates and times to meet up and plan our film.
We finally met up one day and sat down and looked at the scenario that we were all given and started jotting down ideas about what the theme would be for our film so we can analyse how we can emphasise this.

Theme – Loneliness – this was decided together because we had an idea that we can use the lighting shooting at the main character in a dark room showing that he’s really alone.
Location – We decided to shoot the film indoors in one of the studios so that we could use the lighting more efficiently, and we can also use darkness in the film as well.

Then after we figured out our theme and how it could be emphasised we decided before we leave that each one of us will come up with a story of how the person could be left in a dark room feeling alone.

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