Thursday 6 November 2008


"Using your own personal experience, write a few lines that describe how a personal contact has provided a creative opportunity for you."

I have been thinking about this a lot, and the only creative opportunity that I was given, was playing the cello. At the age of 5, my Mum wanted a cellist in the family because she loves listening to cello solos on the radio. So she started hiring tutors to aid me through. 7 years down the line, I was 12 and this is the age I realised how important playing the cello really is. I went for an interview to "Cardinal Vaughan Memorial School" which was renouned for their good grades, strong catholic belief and high class musical orchestras. I did not pass the interview as the questions they asked me was about religion, and at that time, I had no clue. But once they heard I played the cello, they were very interested in me. They asked me to come back and perform a few solos, and they were very impressed. I still remember what the guy said to me afterwards, "you are a very talented young boy." So this was the start of my journey through secondary school, and through thsoe 5 years, I have learnt a lot musically. If it wasn't for cardinal vaughan, I don't think I would be here today.

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